Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Don't Put God in a box.

Last night I was having a pretty hard time sleeping. I was upstairs then downstairs and just couldn't sleep. Anyways I finally DID get to sleep but woke up again at 3 30.. not so fun. I was just laying in bed and looked out my window (my blinds were open) and seen a pretty bright star, it was the only one that was clearly visible, but there was some others that weren't so bright around the bright star.

This star reminded me that, God is ridiculously, unimaginably, amazingly big. He is so big, in fact that, he created every single last thing, from that star that was probably millions upon millions of miles away, to the tiniest little grain of sand. It is hard to imagine that the God, the creator who made all these things, the things that are so big in comparison to us, can love us so intimately and deeply, and can know each and every last person more than anyone ever could. ever. its crazy..
So so often, we think of God as the God we go to when we need something 'God can you give me this.. can you give me materialistic stuff' when he is SO much more than that.
Too often we think of God as, the God of the earth, and even thats stretching the imagination a little. a Little more personal, we think of God as the god of our own little world, our school, our friends, our church, our town, our family, and everyone does it, in my opinion, it is just in our human nature, because we simply, can't understand just how big God is, no-one will ever understand how big God is, because our minds can only imagine stuff within time, and God is outside of time.

What i'm trying to say is, we put God in this box, it will be different for everybody but the boxes may be called 'my life..' 'my church friends...' 'my school friends...' 'family..' etcetera, yet when we look out at the stars we CAN see (2000 out of 10 to the 21st power [thats 10 with 21 0's after!] ) we have to remind ourselves that God made them, and he made all the stars and galaxies we can't see... which i KNOW is hard to think, but imagine that God created a single grain of soil, and he also created the football pitch where that grain of soil is found. Our universe is somewhat similar to that.

The bottom line is: God is unthinkably big, and we are never going to understand that, but we have to try and accept it. It is hard but we have to try not to put God in the boxes that we put him in. So next time you see a star in the sky, try saying to yourself 'that star is millions of miles away, and MY God made it, thats just how Big he is'

Monday, 13 June 2011


So I just read a section of Chapter 1 of Crazy Love by francis Chan. wow.

Honestly I am speechless.

I have read this chapter many many times, however I do not think that I really understood, or really paid attention.

In this chapter, Francis Chan calls us to Stop Praying, and instead just be amazed at our God, our Creator.

He asks us to watch this video.

I genuinely was amazed and humbled. It is crazy to think that my Best friend could create this. Then I think of who my best friend is. God.

When I thought about it, the following thoughts came up.

God is the most creative person I know. He did not have to create so much beauty in this world, but he did. He did not have to create so many patterns on a butterfly's wings, but he did. The only thing I can do now is to Praise him. He is delicate and diverse. He placed the earth, our home for now, not too close but not too far from the sun, so that there could be life for his children. He tilted the earth at just the right axis for us to have day, and night. He decided that we would have beautiful, perfect, peaceful snow, just as another reminder of his awesome power. Did he have to? No. Why did he? Because he wants his children to have 'life in all it's fullness' and to inhabit a beautiful earth. I do not understand people who disbelieve his existence (een though, at one point, that was me.) because for me, I simply look at the stars and think of how amazing God is.

God could have created a boring, 'standard' world, but He chose to create a sophisticated, intricate world with every detail refined and highlighted, glorified in Him.

This chapter Inspired me to be silent in Gods prescence, as God calls us to 'be still and know that I Am.'

There is always so much we can be thankful for, and so much God can be saying to us. I am challenging myself to base my life around Prayer, glorifying God for his beautiful Creation that is Nature.

''The heavens decalre the glory of God, and the skies announce what his hands have made. Day after day they tell the story, Night after night they tell it again. They have no speech or words, they have no voice to be heard. But their message goes out through all the world; their words go everywhere on earth. The sky is like a home for the sun.'' Psalm 19:1-4

God bless. :)